
your future

your children

your security

your family

your business

your future

JC Legal Group: where family law solutions are built.

At JC Legal Group, we partner with you to help you navigate the challenges and complexities that underpin your matter.

We do more than transact– we resolve.

Stake a claim in your future

Our human-to-human process

We know resolving the dissolution of a relationship can be complex, painful and uncertain. There are often not just your needs to consider, but those of your children (financial and emotional). That’s why we apply a clear 5 stage approach, so you can feel secure that each step is leading you towards resolution.


In the discovery phase, we explore exactly what is contained in the property pool existing between the parties, and all of the facts relevant to the care and needs of your children, both immediate and long term.


In the disclosure phase, each party is required by law to provide all of the relevant documentation to determine a fair and reasonable result. This can include documents pertaining to both children, parenting and financial matters.


Negotiation will first take place prior to making any kind of court application. If we fail to come to an agreement, an application can be made to the court. Once proceedings have started, we continue to negotiate, in the hope of avoiding a trial.


At this stage we will say a huge congratulations. Either through negotiation prior to court, during court or by way of order made by a judge – you will have reached a final outcome and start to move on to the next chapter.


With newfound clarity around your assets, the care of your children and/ or financial position, we begin to help you plan your future so you can move on with peace of mind.

Make the complex simple, with JC Legal

Whether you’re seeking family law advice, guidance on your will and estate maters or representation in a commercial matter, JC Legal Group’s cross-section of expertise delivers empathy and excellence in equal measure.

Build a better outcome

By working with lawyers who specialise in building a partnership and dealing with complexity.