Family Law

When it comes to family law, there is no normal. There are only your unique circumstances. At JC Legal Group, we have a combined 40 years’ experience helping clients find amicable, fast and fair solutions to meet you and your family's needs and well into the future.

Every family is unique, which means every issue to be resolved under family law requires personalised attention and tailored strategies. From property settlements and spousal support – to children & parenting matters, where the best interests of your children are our priority–  we offer legal solutions that take you from past to present.

We know legal solutions thrive on equal partnership between lawyer and client. We always collaborate with you, to ensure you're a stakeholder in your own solution.

We also know that knowledge is power. That’s why we create open lines of communication, to ensure you always have access to the information you need.

Our human-to-human process


In the discovery phase, we explore exactly what is contained in the property pool existing between the parties, and all of the facts relevant to the care and needs of your children, both immediate and long term.


In the disclosure phase, each party is required by law to provide all of the relevant documentation to determine a fair and reasonable result. This can include documents pertaining to both children, parenting and financial matters.


Negotiation will first take place prior to making any kind of court application. If we fail to come to an agreement, an application can be made to the court. Once proceedings have started, we continue to negotiate, in the hope of avoiding a trial.


At this stage we will say a huge congratulations. Either through negotiation prior to court, during court or by way of order made by a judge – you will have reached a final outcome and start to move on to the next chapter.


With newfound clarity around your assets, the care of your children and/ or financial position, we begin to help you plan your future so you can move on with peace of mind.

Family Law experts

Property and financial matters

Our expertise includes divorce applications; binding financial agreements; complex property settlements; spousal maintenance; child support; superannuation; taxation considerations arising from a separation and more.


Our expertise includes parenting plans and orders regarding care arrangements for children; mediation; relocation and unlawful removal of children and more.

De facto

De facto couples have the same legal status as married couples in Australia, but it isn't always clear when a de facto relationship exists. Our expertise includes advising on jurisdictional issues; advising on the validity of a de facto claim; binding financial agreements; property settlements; parenting and care arrangements for children; spousal maintenance; superannuation splitting and more.

International family law

International family law involves cross-cultural family law matters that occur over more than one legal jurisdiction. We have expertise in child support and registration of overseas orders; de facto and common law couples; moving internationally with children; property settlements in Australia and overseas; spousal maintenance and more.

Secure tomorrow, today.

By working with lawyers who specialise in complexity.