Every family is unique, which means every issue to be resolved under family law requires personalised attention and tailored strategies. From property settlements and spousal support – to children & parenting matters, where the best interests of your children are our priority– we offer legal solutions that take you from past to present.
We know legal solutions thrive on equal partnership between lawyer and client. We always collaborate with you, to ensure you're a stakeholder in your own solution.
We also know that knowledge is power. That’s why we create open lines of communication, to ensure you always have access to the information you need.
Our expertise includes divorce applications; binding financial agreements; complex property settlements; spousal maintenance; child support; superannuation; taxation considerations arising from a separation and more.
Our expertise includes parenting plans and orders regarding care arrangements for children; mediation; relocation and unlawful removal of children and more.
De facto couples have the same legal status as married couples in Australia, but it isn't always clear when a de facto relationship exists. Our expertise includes advising on jurisdictional issues; advising on the validity of a de facto claim; binding financial agreements; property settlements; parenting and care arrangements for children; spousal maintenance; superannuation splitting and more.
International family law involves cross-cultural family law matters that occur over more than one legal jurisdiction. We have expertise in child support and registration of overseas orders; de facto and common law couples; moving internationally with children; property settlements in Australia and overseas; spousal maintenance and more.
At JC Legal Group, we mean business about family law. By combining expertise across Family Law, Wills & Estates and Commercial matters, we offer empathetic solutions, informed by best business practices.
From drafting wills & trusts to estate planning for high-net wealth individuals, we can help you navigate every aspect of this complex but crucial area of the law.
Depending on your circimstances our commercial law practice stands alone or may work in conjunciton with our family law practice – because difficult human relationships manifest in all areas of the law. Our advice helps you future-proof against complexity.